tim welbourne

Damien Hurst – The tickets have arrived!

In Exhibitions and Galleries on May 14, 2012 at 17:18

The tickets have arrived!


This will be a very interesting one. Having taught about DH for many years to incredulous teenagers I am really looking forward to seeing some of his work for real. I read some of the reviews at the time of the opening which were mixed, I know that the gallery will be packed and that his work will shock. I am sitting on the metaphorical fence and will wait to make up my mind. If nothing else its always worth the heated discussion. There is a part of my mind that always comes back to the Emperor  New Clothes argument, just because its there and some people are willing to pay fabulously large amounts of money for it, does that make it good? There is no doubting his success and that DH has moved the art world in a radical new direction but…. I wish I had seen the Anish Karpoor’s instillation in the Turbine Hall.   ‘Anish Kapoor’s Marsyas is undoubtedly one of the most memorable works I have encountered. How could anyone forget it? It is not just big, it is enormous. You cannot take the whole thing in, however you approach it’.

Adrian Searle, Guardian 9th October 2002

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