tim welbourne

Archive for March, 2016|Monthly archive page

Photographs from my Past

In Uncategorized on March 19, 2016 at 15:15

I found these photographs under the stairs. A trip down memory lane. The Richmond Road picture are from my time in Wolverhampton during my PGCE year. I made a large pinhole camera out of a powder paint tin, (it was a cardboard drum really). The lens was a shim of bass with a hole made with a pin. It took great photographs producing image that had infinite depth of field. The blue image is made out of blue pint chemicals, defunct technology.

The Paris images I took on a tiny Rolilex camera on one of my many visitsĀ  when Chris was living there.


4 Richmond Road – Blue print pin hole camera


4 Richmond Road – Blue print on handmade paper


Backgarden 4 Richmond Road


Docklands – Pinhole camera


Docklands – pinhole


Paris 1981


Paris 1981


Paris 1981